Tollywood film fraternity woke up to the shock news of music director Chakri's death on Monday morning. The 40-year-old who had sleep apnea, suffered a cardiac arrest in the early hours of the morning, and was pronounced brought dead by doctors at a private hospital. "He had been working in his studio on Sunday and returned home past midnight. Everything seemed normal and Chakri watched TV till about 2.30 am along with wife Sravani, before they retired to bed. When Sravani woke up between 4.30 and 5 am, she was shocked to find Chakri's oral breathing device out of place and rushed him to a hospital where he was declared brought dead," shared a close family member.
The award winning music composer had been diagnosed with sleep apnea (a sleep disorder, that causes irregular breathing, leading to disruption of oxygen supply to the brain) and used to sleep with an oral breathing device for the last couple of months. "He'd been advised to undergo a bariatric surgery as well, but he had been postponing it," adds the family member.
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